Wednesday, March 9, 2011


. . . The visit to Untitled Gallery hearkened back to an evening at Recess Activities Inc. with artist Stephen Wuensch and the nomadic chapter of The Bruce High Quality Foundation University’s (known more fondly as “BHQFU”) class “What Is A Metaphor?/Open Critique”, a Rauschenberg combine of reflection upon the amorphous notion of individualized studio practice in constant collision with a more grounded academic University-style aesthetic. The basics: artists bring their projects, their wares, their bullshit, their awesome shit and whoever feels like it comes to the session and provides feedback with the goal of hopefully providing something constructive for all to walk away with. . .” 

Read the full post at HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paris Ionescu so gideon i know you dated my gf shortly after we broke up, but honestly i respect you as a journalist. why isn’t gideon yago doing vanguard for marina van zuylen’s pretty cute, no? also, you sincerely should track down a very provocative film called enjoy povery, by a dutch artist named renzo martin. it recently showed at the berlin biennial, and would be up your alley i think.

Okkkkayayyy, back to my crack binge.